Here are shownotes for Remnant Episode 42: Numb as a podcast:
The GLoP episode in which I discussed my father-in-law’s journey to America.
Turns out a Nixon rap is more possible than realized.
Here’s the video of my talk at the Commonwealth Club.
My appearance on Michael Krasny’s KQED show.
The recipe for the Scott Hall martini can be found here.
Adam Keiper’s review of Suicide of the West.
My review of Wendy Shalit’s book A Return to Modesty for Reason.
Thingamabobs Have Consequences.
A bit more on Chambers and the Beaconsfield Position.
Yuval Levin’s review of Suicide of the West.
Bill Kristol’s conversation with Paul Begala.
The laurel-crowned Jack Butler at the Flying Pig half-marathon.
The cover of Hobbes’ Leviathan.
My take on why it would be foolish for Trump to end the Mueller probe.
My take on what is going on in the Mueller probe.
My Special Report appearance in which I discuss the Mueller probe.
The list of Intellectual Dark Web intelligentsia.
The Nicholas Eberstadt Remnant Episode.
The Eberstadt episode of Conversations with Kristol.