Here are the shownotes for Remnant episode 8: Predators, Real and Imagined.
The Seinfeld episode where Jerry tried to return his coat for spite.
Marlo calling out Omar on The Wire.
Caitlin Flanagan on Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct.
Michelle Goldberg’s piece on why she believes Juanita Broaddrick.
Matt Yglesias’ argument for why Clinton should have resigned.
Jeff Greenfield on the how Roy Moore forced a reevaluation of Clinton’s legacy.
Jane Smiley’s article in The New Yorker.
Some thoughts on Sidney Blumenthal’s review of a Whittaker Chambers biography.
Gloria Steinem’s “one free grope” rule.
Lord Acton’s “absolute power” letter.
The Brookings/PRI poll on Evangelicals and personal immoral conduct in politicians.
Jonah Goldberg, Lucianne Goldberg’s son.
The trailer for Mars Needs Moms.