Here are links/elaborations of things mentioned in Episode 30: The Nebraska Shuffle:
–The Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury, which Ben Sasse recommended as a must-read on China’s strategic vision.
-“Navigating Conflicts in Cyberspace: Legal Lessons from the History of War at Sea” by Jeremy and Ariel Rabkin, where I first heard a proposal for cyber-privateers.
–The last time I talked about cyber privateers.
–One of the first times I talked about airborne laser volcano lancing (other examples here).
–Rich Lowry on the “Never Trump delusion.”
–My response with Ramesh Ponnuru.
–My (latest) take on populism and conservatism.
–The United States of Cryptids.
–Eric Erickson on why your podcast sucks (but this one doesn’t).
-My response to one of my book’s early critics.