Here are shownotes for Remnant episode 38: Econtalked: Part I with Hoover Institution Fellow and Econtalk host Russ Roberts:
-Jerry Muller’s appearance on Econtalk.
-Jerry Muller on The Tyranny of Metrics.
-The Library of Economics and Liberty.
–The Invisible Heart by Russ Roberts.
-An introduction to the evolutionary psychology work of Leda Cosmides and John Tooby.
-Bill James’ appearance on Econtalk.
-Bill Easterly’s appearance on Econtalk.
-Luigi Zingales’ appearance on Econtalk.
-Nassim Taleb on the “Intellectual Yet Idiot.”
–When Nietzsche Wept by Irwin Yellum.
-Wallace Stevens, whose poetry Russ Roberts doesn’t understand.
-Keynes vs. Hayek rap battles: part I and part II.
-Adam Smith on the “man of system.”
-Adam Smith on what happens when men of the same trade meet.