Here are shownotes for Remnant Episode 153: The Wild, the Innocent & the R Street Shuffle, with Andy Smarick:
–meetcircle.com/DINGO, enter promo code DINGO
–Jean Yarbough’s review of the strikingly Teddy Rooseveltian book by a young Josh Hawley
–The recent Continetti episode
–Andy Smarick on the post-Trump GOP
–James Scott – Seeing Like A State
–Kevin Williamson on Marco Rubio and Kevin Williamson
–Andy Smarick in National Affairs on real centralization
–“A riot is the language of the unheard”
–Suicide of the West – Jonah Goldberg
–The Once and Future Worker – Oren Cass
–The Quest for Community – Robert Nisbet
–The Fractured Republic and A Time To Build – Yuval Levin
–Grand New Party – Reihan Salam and Ross Douthat
–Accent Twitter poll (to be added once we know it’s feasible for people actually to have listened and aren’t just voting for their favorite person)