Here are shownotes for Remnant episode 58: Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Not a Monetarist:
Peter Boettke’s new book on Hayek
Hayek on “The Use of Knowledge in Society”
Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty
Hayek on “Why I am not a conservative”
Kevin D. Williamson on Ike at Columbia and the sidewalks
Steven Horwitz’s Hayek’s Modern Family
ZipRecruiter, this episode’s sponsor
The socialist calculation debate
The Russ Roberts episodes, part one and part two
Isaiah Berlin on “The Hedgehog and the Fox”
Hayek on “Individualism True and False”
Karl Sigmund’s Exact Thinking in Demented Times
Hayek’s Law, Legislation, and Liberty
Me on Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That”
In which Nick Gillespie accuses me of becoming a libertarian
Milton and Rose Friedman’s Free To Choose
Mises on Omnipotent Government
Me on empathy, the German historicists, and the Austrians